
A girl with a dream: Starting my own lifestyle magazine dedicated to young ambitious women and men (everybody, really) to encourage working hard towards achieving your dream life and finding that spark in life that we’re all looking for.

In the age of the Internet we don’t need a print magazine so this blog is my twist on that – taking advantage of the century we’re living in.

What to expect

May it be learning new languages, traveling, starting a business, looking polished or excelling at your studies. At Belle Meliore I’m dedicated to trying as many new and exciting things as possible to find the right mix for my life and I want to encourage you to join me and do the same.

Who is Belle?

I’ve always had a lot of different interests. I wanted to know everything. It didn’t really matter what it was about. As long as it sparked a feeling (mostly good, but the shock effect worked too) I was hooked. Writing was one of my first interests, languages came soon after and I always loved to try new skills.

I wouldn’t say I love studying but I definitely have a passion for learning. That’s not to say I’m good at anything. I just enjoy the adventure of learning something new and the fulfilling feeling after the learning attempt was somewhat successful.