Self Development

8 Projects to start in Quarantine

Most of us have to stay at home at the moment and have a little more time on our hands than usual. Although that left me extremely bored in the beginning, I have since found a way to use my extra time in a way that makes me feel better about the whole situation: Projects.

So if you’re looking for an exciting project to fill your time with, you’ve come to the right place.

Disclaimer: You don't have to do anything productive during this time. Staying at home and doing your part is enough! I can't stress this enough. However, I like to keep myself occupied to not think too much about what's going on and to give me a feeling of purpose in my day to day life. That's why I want to share some project ideas for anyone feeling similarly. 

1. Start a Blog

You need an outlet for your thoughts and/or creativity? You like writing? Then starting a blog might be the perfect project for you.

I love that the blogosphere is so diverse and you can write about whatever your heart desires. There’s almost no limitations, you can make it informational, personal, aspirational… anything you like to talk about, you might find an ear in someone on the other side of the screen.

2. Room Makeover

You have a room in your house/flat (or in my case, just your room 😀 ) that you’d like to restyle?

Now’s the perfect time to rearrange furniture, redecorate and let your creativity run free to create a room you really enjoy staying in.

Since we have to stay indoors most of the day, I think it’s really important to be in a space you like. It can really influence your mood and set you up for a more enjoyable life at home.

3. Learn a new language

If you want to learn a new language, now is a great time to start. Having loads of time on your hands obviously is a perfect starting point to language learning.

But part from that, there are also many amazing resources out there nowadays to help you on your language learning endeavors.

4. Spring Clean

I have great difficulties parting with things. But having too many things also makes it harder to keep everything tidy and to actually be aware of everything you own.

Every time I deep clean my room I stumble across things I had forgotten about a long time ago. So you could almost look at it like a treasure hunt.

I also feel like my mind is clearer when I’m in a clean and tidy space so this is a great place to start if you feel uneasy.

5. Start working towards your dream

You’ve always dreamed of writing a book? Learning an instrument? Starting a YouTube channel, maybe? Now is your time to shine.

We usually get so caught up in daily life and chores that we can’t always find the time to work on a passion project.

But since “daily life” carries a very different connotation now, it might be time to revisit those dreams that were pushed aside to make room for others.

It’s never too late to start. You don’t have to become a virtuoso at anything, just enjoying the process is an amazing reward already.

6. Make reading a habit

You like reading but haven’t really gotten around to it in the past? You want some inspiration or like discussing books in a group?

There are various online book clubs you could join that will let you discover books you might never have picked out by yourself.

Do you like Classics? Or would like to start reading Classics? Join my book club here.

7. Working online

When I told people I wanted to work online, I was mostly told that it would be too unstable and a huge risk. Looking at the situation now, I decided not to let those voices stop me – from trying at least.

There are so many different options to go for and from what I’ve heard you have to go through a period of trial and error to make it work. But I’m willing to just give it a try since the only place I can work at the moment is from home anyway.

8. Design your ideal future

I really enjoy making plans. And I also enjoy visualizing them. It gives me a reassuring feeling and it also makes me believe that it could be possible.

You could put together a vision board or write down your ideal 5 year plan and come up with ideas of how to accomplish that.

Even if you don’t accomplish it / choose to go into another (maybe even better) direction, you’ll still be left with a piece of memory and a reminder of what your younger self valued in life.

I’d love to hear from you! Are you pursuing any projects at the moment?